My limited availability to play within this private lifestyle requires me to be very selective when choosing my benefactors. I receive so many more emails and contact forms than I could dream of ever coming to fruition, so the men I choose to spend my time with are gems who adhere to a high standard of gentlemanly conduct and a respectful nature. Below is a general guide for maximizing your pleasurable experience with me.

Compensation must always be left out in plain sight in an envelope at the commencement of our date. If we are meeting in public first, a greeting card or small gift bag is an appropriate way to provide this to me without being obvious. Please make sure you take care of this right away, so that I am not put in the position to have to ask you.

– Deposit is mandatory for all new friends. I accept P411 membership, TER whitelist status (please make sure the email you contact me from matches the email listed on TER for your handle) and references from other well-established upscale providers. I am willing to accept professional information in lieu of standard screening on a case-by-case basis, but the aforementioned options are my preference. I am a very private person, and I will always uphold the importance of your anonymity just as I do my own. Your information will never be shared with anyone, and I answer all of my own emails.  

– Punctuality is appreciated and will always be reciprocated. ☺ 

You should always behave respectfully towards me in every way, in as well as out of the bedroom. Any disrespectful, forceful OR unacceptable behavior on your part will result in me ending our date immediately. Additionally, please never ask me to consider any monetary negotiations. While gifts, flowers, etc. are appreciated but certainly not expected, please understand that this is something nice to do, but is not a substitute for any portion of my rates. 

Ready to meet me?

Email :

Text : (612) 457-3172